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Extra-Full Chokes: Shoots the most dense pattern of the chokes and has the longest distance. Best choice for longest range smallest target like turkey hunting or at turkey shoots. Hence the nickname “gobbler-getter”.
Full Choke: Good for buckshot, duck hunting and trap shooting. About 70-75% of the pellets will land in a 30″ circle at 40 yards with this choke.
Modified Choke: Good for bird hunting, waterfowl and trap shooting. About 60% of this shells shot will land in a 30″ circle at 40 yards.
Improved Cylinder Choke: Good choice for close range bird hunting or small game. About 1/2 of the pellets will hit inside a 30″ circle at 40 yards.
Skeet Choke: designed for close range less than 25% of a shell’s total pellets in a 30″ circle at 40 yards) but around 50% will hit inside a 30″ circle at 25 yards great choice for skeet shooting.
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