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Virginia Outdoors

30 September 2023


Description of Flounder:
Flounder, scientifically known as Paralichthys dentatus, is a species of flatfish that can be found along the Atlantic coast of North America, including the waters of Virginia. These fish are known for their unique body shape, which is laterally compressed and asymmetrical. The eyes of a flounder are located on one side of its body, allowing it to lie flat on the ocean floor and blend in with its surroundings. The coloration of flounder can vary, but they typically have a brown or olive-green upper side with a white underside.
Habitat of Flounder:
Flounder can be found in a variety of habitats, including estuaries, bays, and nearshore waters. They prefer sandy or muddy bottoms where they can bury themselves to hide from predators and ambush their prey. Flounder are also known to inhabit areas with structure, such as reefs, wrecks, and jetties, where they can find shelter and food.
Best Times to Catch Flounder in Virginia:
In Virginia, the best time to catch flounder is during the spring and fall seasons. During these times, flounder migrate inshore from their offshore wintering grounds to spawn and feed. The months of April to June and September to November are particularly productive for flounder fishing in Virginia.
Best Time of the Year to Catch Flounder in Virginia:
The best time of the year to catch flounder in Virginia is during the fall season. As the water temperature begins to cool down, flounder become more active and feed aggressively in preparation for the winter. This period, usually from September to November, offers anglers the highest chances of success in catching flounder.
Best Water Temperature to Catch Flounder in Virginia:
Flounder are most active and readily caught when the water temperature ranges between 50°F and 70°F. In Virginia, this temperature range is typically observed during the spring and fall seasons. Flounder tend to become less active and seek deeper waters when the water temperature drops below 50°F or rises above 70°F.
Best Baits to Use to Catch Flounder in Virginia:
When targeting flounder in Virginia, anglers have found success using a variety of baits. Some of the best baits for flounder include live minnows, shrimp, squid, and cut bait such as mullet or menhaden. These baits can be presented on a bottom rig or a Carolina rig, allowing them to be presented near the ocean floor where flounder are commonly found.
Best Lures to Use to Catch Flounder in Virginia:
In addition to using live bait, anglers in Virginia have had success catching flounder using artificial lures. Some of the best lures for flounder include soft plastic baits such as Gulp! Swimming Mullet, Berkley Gulp! Shrimp, and DOA Shrimp. These lures can be rigged on a jighead and worked along the bottom to imitate the natural movements of a flounder's prey.
Best Places to Catch Flounder in Virginia:
Virginia offers a variety of locations where anglers can target flounder. Some of the best places to catch flounder in Virginia include the Chesapeake Bay, the Eastern Shore, the Rappahannock River, and the James River. These areas provide ample habitat for flounder and are known for their productive flounder fisheries.
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques to Catch Flounder in Virginia:
To increase your chances of catching flounder in Virginia, consider the following tips, tricks, and techniques:
1. Focus on fishing during the incoming tide, as flounder are more active and feed more aggressively during this time.
2. Use light tackle and sensitive rods to detect subtle bites from flounder.
3. When fishing with live bait, allow the flounder to take the bait fully before setting the hook.
4. Experiment with different retrieval speeds and jigging motions when using artificial lures to find what triggers a flounder's strike.
5. Pay attention to structure and areas with a mix of sand and mud, as these are prime locations for flounder to hide and feed.
Virginia State Records for Flounder:
As of the time of writing, the Virginia state record for flounder stands at 17 pounds, 8 ounces. This record was set in 1977 and still holds to this day. 


Image of a Flounder


In conclusion, flounder are a fascinating species of flatfish that can be found in the waters of Virginia. Understanding their habitat preferences, the best times to catch them, and the most effective baits and lures to use can greatly increase an angler's chances of success. By following the tips, tricks, and techniques outlined above, anglers can embark on a rewarding fishing experience targeting flounder in Virginia's coastal waters.





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04 October 2023


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